Come say 'Hi' - Edmonton Bridal Fantasy (January 21, 2018)
We are proud to announce that we will be attending the Edmonton Bridal Fantasy on January 21, 2018.
Come to our booth and say "Hi"!
Here are a few pointers for anyone who has never attended an exposition
Create a generic wedding email on gmail or yahoo just to connect with vendors. This way all wedding emails can be looked at in one location. In addition, after the wedding is over, the account can be closed.
Create pre-made labels. All vendors will want your contact information. Labels should include name, wedding date, and contact info – email or cell number? What information are you willing to give up as they WILL contact you.
Bring a bride and groom sticker as you will receive special attention from vendors. Don’t do this if you want to fly under the radar.
Walk down every isle and gather information. Be sure to bring a pen and note which vendors you are interested in as you may not remember the good ones the next day.
Many vendors offer show specials for booking that day. Bring your credit card for the vendors you want to book on the spot. Professional vendors should only ask for 10%-50% upfront. Stay way from the vendors that want all their money the day of the show. If booking, be sure to sign a contract to reserve your day.
Plan on wearing walking shoes and spending 3-5 hours at the show to see all the booths and fashion shows.
It would be a great idea to bring your fiancé, your mother and/or maid of honor.
Check out all the trends in fashion, themes and colors. Do you want mainstream or create your own style?
Check out all the trends in fashion, themes and colors. Do you want mainstream or create your own style?​